Manuscripts, some currently on submission

  • Learning to Ski

    This mother-daughter day out introduces all the elements new little skiers will be familiar with – from the magic carpet, learning to do a snowplow, and riding the chairlift. With perseverance the little girl builds confidence and pushes through fears when she’s given the chance to take risks. Backmatter includes tips and tricks for parents to take with them as they introduce skiing to their kids.

  • My Desert Climbing Adventure

    Luna’s only rock climbing experience has been in the gym until she goes on a climbing trip to the desert with her family. In order to get to the top of the route she needs to overcome apprehension and frustration, and ultimately figures out her own way to succeed. A deep connection to the desert landscape, and realization that she succeeded at something that felt impossible, cause her to wonder what else she is capable of conquering. Glossary of technical climbing terms used can serve as a reference for kids and parents that are newer to the sport.

  • Nighttime on Blue Sky Ranch

    What can you discover on a farm at night when you use all your senses to experience the world around you? Watch the flickering lightning bugs, listen to the sound of bullfrogs croaking, feel the worn leather of work gloves, or smell fresh cut hay and lilac flowers. This lyrical rhyming bedtime story gives a nod to the simplicity of nature where readers will be transported to the tranquility of a warm summer night in the countryside.

  • My First Camping Trip

    The BOOM of thunder, observing wild animals, a vivid sunset, the scent of a ponderosa pine’s bark. This little kid’s first camping adventure with their family is sure to leave the reader longing to jump in and watch shooting stars alongside the cracking fire.

  • December Beach Days

    Wild and calm, loud but quiet, this is the beach on a winter day. A parent and child spend the day on an empty beach, embraced by the wild wind and ocean waves.

  • Our Autumn Walk

    This story captures a heartfelt curious moment in time as a parent and child observe changes in the woodland landscape around them. There’s a feeling of wonderment as well as loss – where do we fit in as summer turns to autumn and day turns to night. In a society that never stops, and often craves more sunlight to do more activities, this lyrical story reminds children (and parents) that rest is necessary in nature and in ourselves. The rest at the end of the day, and the rest in the quiet, darker time of the year.