Skiing with little ones

  • That Mountain Life

    This super fun family has three kids who rip down the slopes in their hometown of Fernie, British Columbia. Dad, Erich, threw a mic on their three year old daughter who says the most adorable things while also skiing like a pro. I really enjoy their parenting style of allowing kids to take risks by “doing dangerous things carefully.”

  • Brooke Froelich

    Brooke was one of the first outdoorsy Instagram mom’s I found and was posting awesome videos skiing with her kids. So often I feel like it's the dads teaching the kids, so as a mom I found all her content personally inspiring. She just had her third kid and was still getting to the slopes just a few weeks post partum!


    Think you know skiing terminology? Here are some fun questions to ask a family member or friend, let’s see how much you know!